Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The FCC and the "Open Internet" Proposal

I will not pretend to know everything about politics,
or that I am an expert on what is going on in Washington, but you may have heard of something that is going on regarding the FCC and a proposal which they are intending to implement which will put Net Neutrality six feet under.  I've been doing some research into what is going on and why it is important, and it turns out that time is running out.  This Thursday the FCC is unveiling this proposal which will allow internet service providers (ISPs) to charge content providers and internet entities (such as Facebook, Netflix, Youtube, etc.) for a "fast lane" on their Internet connections.

While this might sound good when the politicians talk about it, it is simply a lie, a twisting of the actual concept to make it sound like a good thing.  The difference between labeling something as 75% lean and 25% fat.

In reality, this "fast lane" is the Internet connection as it is already.  The illusion of the "fast lane" is created when those Internet entities which won't pay for this privilege are slowed down by the ISPs.  It is discrimination in an open and neutral Internet, which has been the backbone of all online innovation.  And while the big entities might be able to pay for this privilege, smaller businesses and entities will be at an extreme competitive disadvantage.  What if a service such as Netflix had emerged under these conditions?  If they were unable to pay for this "fast lane" access, video streaming would be so obnoxiously slow that it would not be worth the trouble to use the service, and the business would fail.  It is because of Net Neutrality that online businesses and services have emerged, grown and prospered as they have, because of a open, neutral and indiscriminate Internet.  What the FCC is proposing to do stifles innovation to generate more profits few and the detriment of those of us which rely on or use the Internet every day.

To help explain this a little more
here are some links to some articles and videos which help sum up what is really going on with this "Open Internet" proposal.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtt2aSV8wdw  (3:33 mins)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAxMyTwmu_M  (11:02 mins)

Calling the FCC and your representatives in Congress help fight the battle.  A recent reddit blog makes this act simple and easy enough to do, and you don't have add anymore than your stated opinion unless you want to.  I have included a copy of this procedure below.  Their offices close at 5:30 PM, so if you cannot reach someone, press 1 at the end of step two to leave a message.  I recommend saying it once or twice to yourself before making the call.

Call FCC - *please be courteous
1.  Dial 888-225-5322
2.  Push 1, 4, 0
3.  A person will answer
4.  They will ask for your name and address.  You can just give them a zip code if you want.
5.  "I'm calling to ask the FCC to reclassify Internet Service Providers as Title Two Common Carriers."
6.  They'll ask if there is anything else you would like to add.
7.  "No, thank you for your time."
8.  Hang up.

You can also send a message to your representatives in Congress here.

I urge you to take action.
There may be another battle around the corner about the same issue, phrased in another way, hiding in another proposal or bill, but doing nothing is surely to admit defeat.  If you believe in democracy, then you have to participate in democracy.  Otherwise they will walk all over you and twist this world with money and greed until the image of what America is and is meant to be is nothing but a chapter in the history books.

I urge you, make your voice heard and take action.

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