Sunday, February 23, 2014

Latest Project in Production Course

I just find myself doing so much cool stuff in my classes and I feel like they are worth sharing here.

I'm enrolled in Single-Camera Production this semester and our first big project was creating a montage sequence with music and graphics.  The professor randomly assigned groups and we set out to shoot for the duration of our Tuesday class period.  None of us in our group had any real idea what to shoot, and so we basically did a spin off of the example the professor had provided.  The example was of a UNF student running late for class and running around campus to goofy music, and so our spin on it was that someone was running late for a lunch date, since we had to include each group member in the video for at least one shot and one of the three was a woman.

From there I had a funny idea of how to start the video and shoot the first scene, although it did end up taking up a lot of time waiting around for a bus to pull up to the stop at the UNF library and then leave 10-15 minutes later.  In the end it worked out, except one cell phone did take a bit of a beating.  Some parts are kinda comedic too.  If you know your way around campus you will probably find a lot of discontinuities, and even if you don't know you might spot some too, but we were more concerned about the overall concept as well as being creative with our shots.

It's a quick watch at just a minute long, so enjoy.  : )

Edit:  Upon watching this when I post this blog I realized that is isn't quite completed yet, as I do not know the last names of my group members.  I will have to find out on Tuesday before class, where I will fix this blog post and update it with the correct version.  Maybe a better video quality too...

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