Monday, June 2, 2014

Quick update blog

I know it has been a while,
and for that I apologize.  There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the world.  We are so busy, going so many places, taking notes, snapping photos, we just never seem to get a decent break.  Not complaining, no no not at all, on the contrary I would rather the trip be this way.  It just distracts insanely from the blogging and the photo editing when the only time I get is at the end of the day, and we have early mornings constantly.

If you follow my Facebook or Flickr you will have a more up-to-date perspective of my travels in Italy.  Since Massa Marittima we have traveled to Florence, Perugia, Corciano, Assisi and we are now in Rome.  I know that is a lot of places to cover in two weeks and a lot of days to go without blogging, but if you can imagine traveling to those places, plus Ostia for a day, and the activities we have crammed into these past two weeks, perhaps you will understand.

But I still just wanted to jot a bit down tonight, for all of you who I know want to know what's going on in my life at the moment.  I am very happy to be back in Rome.  Compared to Tuscany and Umbria there is more to do and more things open past 6 PM, and compared to Florence it is larger and therefore not so polluted with tourists and annoying street merchants.  I swear, I am about to have some shirts made with photos of the typical vendor gimmicky crap with the words "Non Grazie" brazened across the front so they will not even bother.  I don't think it will work anyways though.  Rome is comfortably spacious and more like a functioning city, and I appreciate the reliable public transit system and abundance of raw material to record in pictures.  Which are, yes, still coming...  It is a lot to go through.

Anyways I know that just mentioning where I have been is hardly enough for some of you to live vicariously,
And when I have the time I will describe more in greater detail.  I need to put aside a good, seven hours or so with wine and just knock out all my photo processing and blogging and such and get all caught up.  Perhaps on the free weekend.  I need the break from touring all that Italy has to offer to share it all with y'all.

Heh, no one here says y'all.

Happy Festa della Repubblica!

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