Monday, April 14, 2014

UNF Life Promotional Video

In my production course we were tasked to create a promo video for a hypothetical show about life at UNF.  Other assignments we have done over the semester have been related to this fake show (I'm starting to think the professor is planning on making a legit show out of all the student material!) and so the point of this promo was to bring all the techniques and tools we have learned over the semester to create a 30 second promo.

Our was the only group one with two people, as opposed to three, so we had some technical challenges, but luckily we had an idea, a model to work off of and a really driven group member who knocked out most of the editing process.

So this is kind of the final product of what I learned in the class.  Enjoy!

Creative Commons License
UNF Life Promo Project by Kyle Dodd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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